Saturday, December 11, 2004

Writing Exercise 4: "Front Page News"

Description: Write a cover story for a major newspaper. It can be serious or humorous, whatever moves you!

Tips: Humorous examples are The Onion and Andy Borowitz. I've written both humorous and serious kinds, the latter a fictional news story about a politician which might someday serve as the basis for a new story. So these exercises not only stretch your writing muscles, but are good fertilizer for new material.

[About these exercises]

Friday, December 10, 2004

Writing Exercise 3: "Riddles And Dilemmas"

Description: Pose a riddle or dilemma, then write your way out of it. Examples: How would you make things invisible? How does ivy climb a wall?

Tips: If you want to do this one repeatedly, you can spend some time making a list beforehand, then pull from it as you play the game.

[About these exercises]

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Writing Exercise 2: "Brush With Celebrity"

Description: Write an interview or fictional encounter with someone famous, anyone from Sly Stallone to Cleopatra!

Tips: If doing an interview, ask yourself: is this an interview for Hard Copy, Mad magazine, or GQ? Write accordingly. Trust your muse when writing the celebrity's part...or be bolder and write it from the celebrity's perspective, perhaps an entry in their personal journal, or a simple recollection.

[About these exercises]

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Research Plan for NaNoReMo

Well, to prepare for National Novel Researching Month in January, I'm putting together my research plan. I think the trick of research is to get just enough of the right kind...enough to give me confidence that I'm telling an authentic story and to give the story the kind of accurate flavor that transports my readers back in time. But not so much that it bores the reader, or sends me off on endless tangents and delays me from actually sitting down and writing. If all goes well, I will finish my research by January 31, and on February 1, I will begin writing the story, with the intention of penning at least 50,000 words by the end of the month.

As previously mentioned, I'm working on a fictional narrative series covering the history of the Italian mafia in the States during the 20th century. Here's my research plan so far for the first novel.

RESEARCH PLAN: Mafia Series, Volume 1

THE ERA IN GENERAL (1900-1910)
- The national and global politics
- The social issues and debates
- The technologies of the day (established and emerging)
- The luxuries of the day
- The fashion of the day
- The slang and common speech of the day

- The "Black Hand" phenomenon
- The lifestyle of immigrants in America, esp. those from Italy/Sicily
- The size, nature and character of Italian enclaves in urban areas
- The general strength, makeup, style and maturity of the mob at this time
- The popular scams and methods of the day


Main Characters
- Don Vito Cascio Ferro (New York, New Orleans, Sicily)
- Salvatore Maranzano (New York?)
- Joseph Petrosino (New York detective)

Setup Characters for Volume 2
- Joe Masseria (New York)
- John Torrio (Chicago)
- Frankie Yale (New York)
- Santo Trafficante (Tampa)
- Jake Guzik (Chicago?)
- Waxey Gordon
- Frank Costello (NY)
- Charles Dion O'Banion (Chicago)
- George Moran (Chicago?)
- Herbert Hoover?

- Italy/Sicily
- New York
- New Orleans
- Chicago

- Arrival to States of Don Vito and Lupo the Wolf (1899)
- Don Vito's homicide, flight to New Orleans, then Sicily (1899-1900)
- Joseph Petrosino's campaign against the mafia as detective in NY Police (1905-1909)
- Petrosino's murder in Palermo (1909)
- Lupo the Wolf put away (imprisoned) (1910)

Everyone's welcome to join in the fun of NaNoReMo, as well as FebNoWriMo, the February Novel Writing Month challenge (a totally separate thing from NaNoReMo).

Write on!

Writing Exercise 1: "Blind Man's Eyes"

Description: Describe something, as if to a blind person, such that he or she can picture it accurately. If you want to take it a step further, take a sheet of paper and draw precisely what you've described and see how accurate and complete your description was.

Things To Watch: Learn which details are important and which aren't. Notice what you forgot, and what you assumed.

Other: Years ago I wrote one of my favorite short stories with this exercise...I hope to post it soon, if I can find the time to dig it out of my files and retype it!

[About these exercises]

Example of Writing Exercise 1

Ten years ago, nearly to the day, I did the “Blind Man's Eyes” exercise for the first time. For my object to describe, I arbitrarily chose a remote control for a television set. I didn’t sketch out my description to test it, but I liked the short story that resulted, which I share with you here. (Yours doesn’t have to be this long or elaborate, but it gives you an idea of one way to do the exercise.)

“Big Things Come in Small Packages”
by Judd M. Miller (December 1994)

Maria was five years old. What a precious thing she was, with her maroon dress, pinched in the waist by a matching maroon belt, a pillow of gorgeous, dark hair billowing out from a marvelous emerald green hat cocked on her head. She had the kind of soft, bouncy hair that you could run your fingers through for hours, like sand on a beach.

Her personality matched the vivacity of her appearance; she was energetic, cheerful, and insatiably, sometimes embarrassingly, curious.

Her blindness didn’t seem to bother her. But then, she’d never had the advantage of sight. Sadly, her mother Anna Rosa took the emotional burden upon herself, as if to bear it for the child still too innocent to understand it.

A sad woman, Anna Rosa couldn’t seem to forgive herself for bearing this crippled child, though she wouldn’t have ever said that.

At times I thought her despair was a form of self-punishment, though she confessed to trying to divine God’s reasoning for it. Was it a punishment? A grand but difficult lesson?

Whatever she thought it was, it had been my challenge to lift Anna Rosa out of her sadness and guilt, to see the beauty of the gift God had given her, the beauty so inspiringly manifested in the child herself.

I’ll never forget the day the two paid me an unannounced, but very special visit. They came to deliver a batch of cookies that little Maria had helped her mother bake especially for me.

“Father Ramón?” she inquired excitedly as I opened the door, her face craning upwards.

Anna Rosa stood next to her, dressed in black, a quiet smile on her face. Her hands held a small paper bag.

I squatted to Maria’s level, my face lost in the big grin. “Well, hello there, Maria! What brings your royal beauty to my humble doorstep?”

She giggled and leaped against me, hugging tightly. “We brought you a present!” she squealed.

“A present?” I marveled, looking up at Maria’s mother.

“Good afternoon, Father Ramón,” she said.

“Come in, come in!” I stood up and took Anna Rosa’s hand in a gentle greeting. “I like presents.”

Guiding them both in, Anna Rosa said, “I hope we’re not intruding.”

“Of course not! It’s always a pleasure to se my two favorite parishioners.”

“You say that of every parishioner.”

“What can I say? God blessed me,” I replied with a twinkle. “Come in, have a seat.” I lifted Maria onto one side of the sofa, then sat in the chair across from them.

“We made you something, Father,” Maria beamed.

“You did? Well, let’s see what it is.”

“Maria is very proud of this, Father Ramón,” Anna Rosa prefaced. “She helped her mother make them.”

“Just for you!” Maria exclaimed. She looked expectantly in her mother’s direction, her hand reaching halfway to the bag as if to prompt her.

Anna Rosa began unrolling the top of the bag. “They’re cinnamon cookies. I hope you like cinnamon.”

My reply was upstaged by Maria’s outburst. “I helped Mama knead the dough, and mix it, and put the cookies into shape, and put them on the tin, and put the sugar on top!”

“Wonderful! Shall we have some milk with our snack?”

“Yes!” she shouted, bouncing on the couch.

Anna Rosa smiled maternally at Maria and nodded a thank you to me.

I got up to get glasses, and the pitcher from the refrigerator. They were such delightful people, but Anna Rosa’s despair troubled me. It seemed strange that the child’s own joy and enthusiasm didn’t rub off on her, or at least console her to some degree. But Anna Rosa was too preoccupied with the handicap. Her daughter’s joy was to her the final, cruel joke played on an innocent, swindled child. I hoped and prayed desperately that God and I could move the well-meaning but hurting mother beyond that.

Anna Rosa and I exchanged small talk, while Maria fussed about herself, and rolled and played on the couch.

“What’s this?” Maria interrupted with a blurt, her hand clutching the TV’s remote control in the air.

“Put that down!” her mother whispered harshly. “Don’t touch the father’s things.”

“No, no, that’s all right,” I excused, pouring milk into the last glass. “That’s the remote control, Maria,” I explained as I returned the milk to the fridge. Managing all three glasses at once, I walked carefully back to the sofa.

“What’s a remote control?”

“A remote control? Why, it turns on the TV, and changes the channels, so you don’t have to get up.”

Maria’s face shifted to suspicion. “But doesn’t that make you lazy?”

I laughed. “I suppose some would think so.”

“How do you work it?” Her hand glided expertly over the piece to feel its shape, its properties, its material. Her hands caressed the ripples of buttons on top once she’d approved the smooth sides.

“Well, the uppermost right button is the power. That turns the TV on.”

Feeling carefully, she aimed the remote control at me and jabbed.

I couldn’t hide my smile. “You have to point it at the TV, which is to your...left.”

Her hand swung perfectly level, and she stabbed again.

The screen flickered on, and a newscaster pounded into the room, blaring a string of government statistics that were not at all worth the volume.

“Now, you want to turn it down. Lessee, the...” my own fingers tipped the remote control in my direction, “second button down is the volume control. That turns it up. The button below it turns it down. Up for up, and down for down.”

Her fingers bobbed along the buttons, and she pressed the volume button, her arm aiming sternly at the television.

The newscaster’s voice slipped down, then was gone. “Is the picture still there?” she tested, studying the prop in her hand like a seasoned investigator.

“Yes, the picture’s still there.”

She turned the volume back up. “What good is the picture without the sound?”

Of course to her, the picture was no good without the sound.

“Well, if you get a phone call or something, it’s nice to turn it down temporarily so you can concentrate. Or if you don’t like listening to commercials, you can turn down the volume until your program returns.”

Maria harumphed. She stared at the remote with her empty but beautiful brown eyes, fingering the slim box as she considered what I said.

“I don’t like it,” she decided, slapping the remote back on the end table. “It makes people lazy. If you want to turn on the TV, get up and turn it on. And watch it till you’re finished. Then turn it off.”

“Maria,” Anna Rosa hushed. “Don’t be impolite.”

“Please, please,” I interjected to the mother. “Let her speak her mind. If she doesn’t have her sight, allow her her voice. Well, Maria, I think it can make people lazy. But I think the TV itself is more dangerous than the device used to turn it on.”

“If you can’t turn it on,” she countered, “it can’t be used at all.”

Smart one, she was! Maria demonstrated every day that the good Lord had more than made up for her lack of sight in other ways, something I had long tried to teach her mother.

“Fair enough,” I answered Maria. “But as for the remote itself, it can do much more than turn the TV on and change the volume. You can change the channels, but even more, you can program your favorite channels, and you can adjust the picture however you like.”

Maria harumphed again, uninterested in what you could do with the picture. “Can’t you do that with the TV? Change the channels?”

“Yes, but with a remote you can go to them instantly. You don’t have to flip through them all, and listen for your channel. Here, pick up the remote.”

She groped over the couch arm, then clutched it. I liked to make her do as much as possible for herself. Because she was blind didn’t mean she was helpless.

“Now, the fourth button on the left side is number one. To the right is number two, and to the right of that is number three. Go back below number one, and that’s four. Across, and back below again.” Her forefinger traced my directions. “What’s your favorite channel, Maria?”

“Fourteen. They have Está mi Casa!”

I knew that to be a popular children’s show with puppets and songs, aired in the afternoons. In fact, right about now.

“Then push one and four, Maria.”

She did, and the image popped. On the screen, a puppet and an actor were singing a song, interrupted by cartoons of balloons with the words uno, dos, and tres inside them.

Maria’s face lit up at the song, and she started singing along, her head tossing back and forth as she looked in my direction. “I know this song! The show is on now!”

I smiled and watched her enjoying it, singing and bouncing on the couch.

I could see Anna Rosa getting uncomfortable, conscious of wasting my time. But I smiled to her, and began rocking my own head to the little melody, looking back at Maria. The little girl gasped for breath between phrases, singing and slapping the remote in her lap.

I looked back at Maria’s mother. “Do you know this one?”

Her face only flickered her annoyance. “All too well, Father. She knows how to count far above ten, but she loves this song. She always turns up the TV, and she sings and dances in front of it.”

I smiled again and cocked my ear to the song, listening for that special voice that spoke to Maria. It was a simple, repetitious melody, but light and uplifting. It seemed to open up the soul to all the possibility in the world, all its magic and mystery.

Maria was exploring a world we would never see. She charted waters we couldn’t fathom, and her experiences and exploration were so uniquely her own that we almost spoke from different worlds.

What courage that took. To see a world that no one else sees because your senses are oriented so differently; to build a bridge of communication with people who have such a different point of reference, one they don’t even account for because it’s so natural; to grow up with everyone suffocating you because they feel you lack a fundamental ability, one they’re afraid you can not survive without...

No wonder this song made her feel free, feel inspired. It was the musical sunshine in her day, the life-sustaining rays that bathed down to warm her, comfort her, uplift and inspire her. Reflecting off the bobbing waters she charted, it turned the dark, frightening sea into an exciting, tantalizing journey through life and love.

Her voice, still squeaky with age, moved with a passion and potential unrivaled by any I’d heard. She may not have had the eye for pictures, but she had an extraordinary ear for music. God gave her a precious gift in that little song, and I had no doubt she would return the favor with the majesty of her own music someday.

We seeing people are too distracted by our sights to hear the landscape of music. The way it dips along the valley, only to scramble back to its crescendo, trumpets darting in and out of the catacomb of piano chords as they hop and skip across the heart in an endless celebration of beauty and self-discovery.

I hoped that Maria could teach me what she heard just as I taught her what I saw. And I was eager to hear the magic she would create with her special, musical soul.

Her question jolted me from my reverie. But I had missed it. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What did you say?”

“Do you like the cookies?” she repeated, clicking off the TV.

“Ah!” I exclaimed, holding the prize in the air. “Exquisite! God gave you a special knack for the culinary arts.”

She giggled. “What’s that mean?”

Anna Rosa answered for me, picking up Maria’s empty milk glass and setting it on the endtable next to her own. “It means you’re a good cook.”

“Thank you, Father! Mama, can we cook Father Ramón a custard tomorrow?”

Anna Rosa chuckled. “Let’s give him time to digest the cookies, first. And maybe when you get some more practice, we can try a custard for Father Ramón.”


“Thank you for spending time with us, Father,” Anna Rosa said, gathering her things.

“Oh no, the gratitude is mine. You have been only too kind to bless me with your visit and these delectable pastries!”

Anna Rosa and Maria made their way to the door.

“Thank you, Father!” Maria said, her arms outstretched.

I picked her up and hugged her tight. “Thank you, precious. You come see me whenever you like.”

“I will!” she promised.

“Thank you again, Father,” Anna Rosa said holding out her hand as I set Maria down.

“She loves you dearly. You make her feel very special.”

“Oh, she’s already that,” I replied, taking the mother’s hand. “I’m only an enchanted admirer.”

There was a volley of waves and good-byes while they made their way down the street.

As I closed the door, I thanked God for the precious ray of sunlight he’d given us in Maria, and I prayed that we would all be transformed by its most divine brilliance. Funny that something blind could be so bright.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Introducing The "Writing Exercises" Series

Even when not working on a specific project, writers can still do short and simple pieces to keep their literary muscles limber. Athletes exercise and practice their craft in-season and out. Why not writers?

Each day in January 2005, I will be posting a writing exercise I came up with for myself, twenty-five of them in all. I like to think of them as games to play. The beauty of these exercises is that:

1) They exercise different kinds of writing (e.g., persuasive, biographical, journalistic, dialogue);
2) Each of them can be used repeatedly, using different situations or premises.

The exercises are also designed to encourage unconventional thinking (and writing) -- to turn your common world upside down and to present a unique side of life to explore, though doing so may require some effort on your part. Sometimes I have to stretch myself to see things from an unfamiliar angle.

May you find both fun and adventure in these humble, literary "expotitions" I'm about to share with you. (And don't be shy with the feedback.)

Write on!

I Agree With Maugham

As some of you know, I currently sport a strong prejudice against writers who tell other writers how to write, found most commonly in the bevy of "how-to-write" books that published authors write for "aspiring" (that is, non-published) writers. (I call myself an "aspiring writer" if I talk about writing, read about writing, and think about writing, but stop short of putting words on a page. But if I put words to a page, I call myself a writer, published or not.)

In any case, I think of writing as such a personal process...I'm not offended when pros say what works for them, but I recoil at these sweeping generalizations I hear them make. To wit, I cringe when Stephen King -- a writer with skills I deeply respect -- says something like, "If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write."

What you really mean, Stephen, is "If I [Stephen] don't have the time to read, I don't have the time or the tools to write." Leave the rest of us alone! You don't know what I need in order to write.

So I really appreciate it whenever I come across a writer who succinctly captures the ineffability of the writing process. I made an exception with a statement attributed to Robert Heinlein. But today I found a quote I wanted to share that sums up my contrary feelings perfectly:

"There are three rules for writing the novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
- W. Somerset Maugham

Maugham says it all. (Ahem) For me!

Anyway, thanks to Kibby on the NaNoWriMo forums who had this delightful quote in her signature...

Write on!

Monday, December 06, 2004

Word Play with Dennis Hopper

A few days ago I was flipping through a book and came across this Dennis Hopper quote (presumably a line from a movie; can you tell me which one?):

"Just because it happened to you, doesn't mean it's interesting."

That's a great quote. I love it. It's a good one for drama queens. And as this line has tumbled around in the clothes dryer of my brain, some fun and interesting derivatives have fallen out (lost socks found!):

For braggarts: "Just because it's interesting, doesn't mean it happened to you."

For conspiracy theorists: "Just because it's interesting to you, doesn't mean it happened."

For divorcees: "Just because it happened, doesn't mean it's interesting to you."

And the short form for journalists: "Just because it happened, doesn't mean it's interesting."

I could go on, but I already see that I have too much time on my hands...(Do you have any?)

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Writing Plan for 2005 (Q1, anyway)

Emboldened by my success writing and publishing Asteroid Burn, I have an aggressive writing plan for the first quarter of 2005.

For a few years I've had the ambition of writing the history of the Italian mafia during the 20th century in a series of ten novels, one book for each decade. I don't know if I'll actually follow through on all ten, but I'm going to start the first one as 2005 dawns.

I'm declaring January to be National Novel Researching Month (NaNoReMo), when I'll challenge myself to conduct 50 hours of research on this new writing project in 31 days. (Anyone's welcome to join me! Be sure to post your interest on this NaNoReMo thread.)

There are many folks who plan to relive the thrill of NaNoWriMo this coming February, as you can see in the FebNoWriMo forum. I'll be joining them, with the intention of writing the first 50,000 words of my first mafia novel in that unusually short month.

March is National Novel Editing Month (NaNoEdMo), and I plan to join thousands of others in doing 50 hours of editing and rewriting in 30 days. I'll be working on "Divided Loyalties", a Cold War espionage novel I wrote in college, to get it into publishable form.

Not sure what's beyond March...more work on all of these projects, I'm sure. In the meantime, I'm spending December cleaning my garage (NaGarCleMo), and working informally on another writing idea, a story about a burnt-out personal success coach who finds his passion reignited from an unexpected source.

What an exciting time to be alive...the age of Chris Baty and NaNoWriMo.

2005 is going to be a banner year!

By the way, if you like watching the creative process at work, you might check out Peter Jackson's video diary as he makes the 2005 version of King Kong. Very exciting to watch his work unfold. (Peter Jackson, you will remember, was the director of the marvelous, Oscar-winning Lord of the Rings trilogy.)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Only Writing Advice Worth Following

There are hundreds of books about writing...I know because I bought most of them. And read most of them. And discovered that there were so many ways to do it wrong, and so many "must-do's" for getting it right, that I gave up on the whole endeavor for quite some time.

I have NaNoWriMo to thank for breaking my paralysis, because it categorically rejects any notion of craft and focuses solely on word count. Indeed, it puts into action the only writing advice I consider worth following, and I share it with you here. It is something forwarded to me eight years ago by a dear friend of mine, which he saw in a magazine:

"A long time ago, Robert Heinlein wrote down the secret of becoming a professional writer:
1) You must write.
2) You must finish what you write.
3) You must not endlessly rewrite. Finish it, then send it to someone who can buy it: not to friends, not to relatives, not to other writers in hopes of getting advice, but to editors who buy words. Don't rewrite unless someone who can buy it tells you to.
4) Go back to step one, and keep going until you're successful."

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Announcing NaGarCleMo!

For those of you who left spouses and family members hanging during the month of November for NaNoWriMo, December is your opportunity to make it up to them.

That's right, I'm declaring December as National Garage Cleaning Month, more affectionately known as NaGarCleMo (na-gur-CLEE-mo). Here is your chance to go through and clear out all that junk that's been collecting and getting in your way. The NaGarCleMo challenge is to spend 50 honest hours cleaning out the garage (or attic, or basement, or workroom) in the 31 days of December.

Reclaim your home from junk! Clear that space so that you can live again in your own home in peace and with a sense of new beginnings. We've all heard of spring cleaning, but can you think of a better way to start the new year than with a clean garage, empty of all the old clothes, white elephants, forgotten junk, and broken machinery you've been hiding in there?

Let's face it...if you make garage-cleaning your New Year's Resolution, it will never get done. But if you commit at least 1.6 hours every day this month to freeing up the space in your home for you, you will begin the new year with a lasting and uncontainable surge of joy, vigor and excitement. (Best of all, your worst task of the year will be already behind you.) You can spend the new year, and all the months to follow, engaged in the passions and luxuries of a refreshed life.

Probably more importantly, it will not likely take you 50 hours to complete. If you clean out the garage in less than fifty hours, good for you! Enjoy the rest of the month. If you still have work to do after fifty hours, it will be easy to celebrate your monumental achievement so far, because one look will show you what incredible progress you've made.

So join me this month in pleasing ourselves and our families. Simplify your life. Make more room for you, and less room for your junk. And as you share your Santa lists with everyone, you might want to think twice about asking for things that will end up in the garage again, and go for real body massages, expensive dinners, cash and jewelry (my favorite items).

So, let's go, everyone! Crank up the radio, roll up your sleeves, and get dirty this month! The new year is beckoning to us with a brand new beginning.

(I'm Judd Miller, and I approve this message -- so why do I feel like Ralph Nader on election night?)